Light is energy and this energy is used by and in nature in many ways. The first thing you notice in nature is that it is not always bright and certainly not always equally bright. Due to the spherical shape of the earth, about half of the globe lies in its own shadow. Fortunately, due to the earth's rotation, this is only the case for about half of the day. The sunlight as such is more or less always the same! But because of the different angles of incidence on the atmosphere and the earth's surface, only a part of it arrives. Also the atmosphere itself provides for different changes of the light. During the day and also during the year the light changes in every biotope (except in caves). These changes include intensity, direction, and spectral composition.
We design the lighting with our Panta Sun luminaires. They are available in two technically different versions. The difference is in the orientation of the illuminants, one is operated with linear arrangements of the LEDs and the other with LEDs arranged in a planar manner. Common to both is the mixture of light from individual LEDs of different colors. By mixing the individual light colors, it is possible to create a very natural light scene. Furthermore, we distinguish between a freshwater variant and a saltwater variant. This is due to the depth of the biotopes. Seawater biotopes have a much higher transparency of the water, so that the lighting must be able to simulate greater water depths. As a result, the filtering effect of the water has a particular impact on the spectral composition of the light.
The course of the day with twilight, sunrise, daylight, sunset and twilight again can be displayed in all its nuances. Not only the corresponding brightness, but also the correct light color is displayed. Of course, this also applies to scenes such as moon phases, clouds, thunderstorms and even a midnight sun can be displayed in the aquarium. The daily cycles (24h), the moon phases (28 days) and the seasons (365 days) represent the basic rhythms.
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1.799,00 € *
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